What are Micro Breaks?

Caroline Samuelsen
| 3 min read
Caroline Samuelsen is a 2024 Corporate Communication...

When sitting down doing work, certain muscles, like your neck and back muscles, engage to support you. Over time, those muscles can start to fatigue, and injuries can evolve. Micro breaks are small breaks to take every hour or so when working to rest your body and prevent strain on your body, according to Stanford's Department of Environmental Health & Safety.
Suggestions for how to take micro breaks
Taking micro breaks throughout the workday is necessary for everyone, especially those who work from home. Working from home can be isolating and does not have the natural office environment that so many are used to. When working from home you are sitting down more and socializing less.
It is important to practice mindfulness during the workday. It can be straining on your eyes to stare at a computer screen all day and straining on your body to be sitting down all day. Adding micro breaks to your day will help your body slow down and to be more mindful.
We have a list of micro break ideas that you can implement into your daily schedule.
Stretching for a few minutes
Pausing your work every 30 minutes or hour to stretch can improve your mental and physical health immensely. Stand up from your chair and stretch out your upper body and legs.
Go for a walk
Turn off your computer and take a 15-minute walk around your neighborhood. Inhale and exhale the fresh air as a brain reset.
Take breaks and tidy up your home
Add in five-minute breaks every so often to clean something in your house, such as washing the dishes or doing laundry. This gives you a moment to reset and move your body around the house.
Make a snack
While taking a break, make a healthy snack to fuel your body and brain as you continue your workday.
There are lots of guided meditations online. During a micro break, try one for five minutes. This will help calm your central nervous system down and give you a much-needed break from your work or worries that are on your mind.
Do a Quick Workout
Similar to meditation, there are lots of quick guided workouts online. You do not need to go to the gym for long periods of time in your day to get a workout in. Find an open space in your house and move your body while taking a break from work.
Image: Getty Images
Related Links:
- Resources Aimed at Increasing Physical Activity, Addressing Mental Health Are Available Through 2024 Building Healthy Communities Program (mibluesperspectives.com)
- Think Lunch Breaks Aren’t Necessary? Think Again (mibluesperspectives.com)
- How Too Much Sitting and Inactivity Impacts Mental Health (mibluesperspectives.com)
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