Michigan Health Information Network initiative pushes health information sharing forward

Taylar Kobylas

| 1 min read

The Michigan Health Information Network, a statewide-shared network of health information sharing, has started a new program called the Admissions, Discharges and Transfers, and ER initiative, also known as the ADT/ER initiative. Similar to the Internet, it connects different entities together by creating a larger network of interrelated health files. It also connects health exchanges together and provides the larger network to various health related companies. With noticeable results occurring already, the ADT/ER initiative is set to better health quality standards across the state of Michigan, as well as improve the efficiency of information sharing between healthcare providers and their patrons. Listen below as Tim Pletcher, executive director at the Michigan Health Information Network, describes the Michigan Health Information Network’s ADT/ER initiative on the Healthier Michigan Radio Show.
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