The Importance of Showing Employees Your Appreciation
Cindy Bjorkquist
| 2 min read
Cindy Bjorkquist is the director of Health and Welln...

Did you know that there’s a direct link between feeling valued by your boss and being a better employee? When business owners personally let employees know how grateful they are for their work, it gives them a greater sense of purpose and helps them feel valued. This leads to more engagement, productivity and loyalty—factors that can benefit a company for years to come. It makes sense: Employees will want to continue working for a company if they feel like their contributions matter. They are also more likely to speak positively about the company to other employees, friends and family, which boosts morale and attracts more talent. The best thing about showing appreciation is that it couldn’t be easier to do. Here are some simple ways to start centering your work culture around positive feedback:
- Write out thank you cards: This classic way of showing appreciation can go far in boosting employee morale. In fact, 83 percent of workers find this kind of recognition more fulfilling than a financial bonus. Plus, the note can be tacked up on a bulletin board and serve as a daily reminder that their work matters.
- Emphasize a healthy work-life balance: Offer employees flexible hours or an extra vacation day when they need it. These kinds of incentives show employees you trust them and want to make sure they’re happy outside of work as well. This makes them feel both appreciated and accountable for assignments, meaning they’ll try even harder to do their best.
- Host special events: Take the team out to a celebratory dinner after wrapping up a big project, or organize a summer office-wide party somewhere fun. By splurging on an activity that has nothing to do with the daily grind, you allow employees to bond, let loose and recharge.
- Keep them healthy in the office: Offer healthy food options at work, provide a meditation room or even host happiness classes (where an expert comes in to teach your employees how to reduce stress by keeping a daily journal of things they are thankful for). This shows employees you care about them as people and not just how they affect the company’s bottom line.
For more information on showing employees appreciation, check out these other blogs:
- Creating a Workplace Wellness Culture
- Fresh Produce in the Office Means a Better Employee Diet
- Think Lunch Breaks Aren’t Necessary? Think Again
Photo credit: Virginia L.