Webinars,Member WebinarsPositive Psychology and Self-LoveEnded: 04.01.2021 ShareStart our next round of Drop 5 with a two-week self-love challenge. Learn how positive psychology can help as you work to lose weight and make healthy choices.Blue Cross Virtual Well-Being Positive Psychology and Self-Love Power PointBlue Cross Virtual Well-Being Handout 2Wk Self Love ChallengeBlue Cross Virtual Well-Being Drop 5 Recipe BookBlue Cross Virtual Well-Being Drop 5 Fillable TrackerBlue Cross Virtual Well-Being April Member Well-Being Challenge HandoutYou May Also LikeToday | 5:00 PMValentine's Day Couples WorkoutRegister02.18.2025 | 5:00 PMCreating Mindfulness with Repetitive MotionRegister02.19.2025 | 5:00 PM7-Minute Meditation: Sigh Breathing Register02.20.2025 | 5:00 PMCreating Mindfulness with Repetitive MotionRegister02.25.2025 | 5:00 PMThe Power of Pets —send a picture of your pets to be included in our live webinar Register