Are Generic Medications Effective?

Lindsay Knake
| 3 min read
Lindsay Knake is a brand journalist for Blue Cross B...

When you are receiving a prescription drug, you may ask for the generic rather than brand-name medication.
Generic medications are less expensive than the brand-name equivalents, but are they as effective?
Yes. Generic medications are required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to be the same dosage, effectiveness, strength, quality, stability, safety, and type as brand-name medications. The benefits and risks are also the same. The FDA even has a particular office, the Generic Drugs Program, to review and approve generic medications.
Generic drugs must:
- Have the same active ingredient as the brand-name counterpart.
- Be the same strength and dosage.
- Have the same form, such as a tablet or injection, and route of administration, such as topical or oral.
- Have the same manufacturing standards.
Despite the specifications of generics compared to brand-name medications, generic medications may have different shapes, inactive ingredients, color, and packaging.
Why do generic medications cost less?
The reason generic medications generally cost less is because the maker does not have to repeat the lengthy testing and clinical studies to show the effectiveness and safety of the drug. Multiple manufacturers may also make the generic version, which increases marketplace competition and decreases prices. If there are five generic medications available on the market, the prices can be nearly 85% lower than the brand-name.
When should I use a brand-name medication?
While most medications have a generic medication available, that’s not always the case. New medications, for example, may not immediately have a corresponding generic drug. The FDA maintains a list of medications without an approved generic version.
You may also need to take a brand-name medication if you have a reaction or allergy to inactive ingredients in the generic version. Occasionally, people will not be able to tolerate the generic medication because of the minor differences.
Talk to your doctor about your options if you struggle with a version of a particular medication or if a generic equivalent is not available.
To find information about Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan pharmacy benefits, log in to your member account at Click on My Coverage, then Prescription Drugs. You can use the online tool to view your prescription drug benefits, medication costs including comparing brand-name and generic medications, and more.
Blue Cross and Blue Care Network members can find a doctor near them by using the Find a Doctor tool, available on both and the BCBSM mobile app.
At no cost, Blue Cross’ 24-Hour Nurse Line allows you to talk to a registered nurse day or night. Registered nurses can answer your questions and help you decide where to get care when it’s late, you’re on the go or if your primary care doctor isn’t available.
Blue Cross members: 1-800-775-2583
Blue Care Network members: 1-855-624-5214
Image: Getty Images
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