Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and UAW Leaders Verbally Agree on Tentative Contract to Improve Pay, Benefits and Job Security for UAW-Represented Employees at BCBSM and Blue Care Network
Andrew Hetzel
| 1 min read

DETROIT, Nov. 28, 2023 – Several phone calls between Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan President & CEO Daniel J. Loepp and UAW International President Shawn Fain over the past week have resulted in a verbal agreement between the two leaders that – when formalized by the two bargaining teams on Wednesday and ratified into a new collective bargaining agreement by UAW members – would end the UAW’s strike that began on Sept. 13. The collective bargaining agreement would also include UAW-represented employees at BCBSM’s HMO subsidiary, Blue Care Network of Michigan.
“President Fain and I have agreed in principle on the construct of a new collective bargaining agreement that would deliver significant income and job security for our unionized workforce,” Loepp said.“ On Wednesday, our bargaining teams will meet to formalize our agreement – bringing our employees one step closer to returning to work. I congratulate and thank President Fain for reaching out and working directly with me to get us to the starting line of the ratification process.”