2019 Blue Care Network Annual Report

Blue Daily

| 2 min read

Older woman smiling at her smartphone

Health care inspired by … our members

Your employees – our members — want help understanding their plan. This inspired us to rethink how we educate, engage and empower them to take steps to manage their health care benefits — and their health.

Personalized digital tools

Your employees have convenient, simpler online support through their Blue Cross member account:
  • A new streamlined method makes it easier to activate an online account and create one for each family member.
  • Simplified primary care physician selection process eliminates confusion when selecting or changing a PCP.
  • A new automated, interactive virtual chat, MIBlue Virtual Assistant, directs members on where to find their plan information. In its first month, the virtual chat was used more than 30,000 times to get claims information, check coverage, select a PCP, find care and pay premiums.
  • New HRA display lets members track health reimbursements information anytime, anywhere.
  • Through ongoing improvements, Blue Cross mobile app continues to exceed the benchmark for customer satisfaction against other health industry self-service apps.

New programs

We developed programs last year that educate and motivate our members to take the right steps toward improving their health:
  • Greater health and well-being support: A new weekly webinar series offered live, on-screen coaching for well-being. We had more than 9,000 people register through bluecrossvirtualwellbeing.com.
  • Specialty drug programs: Health consultants taught members how to safely take their medicines. With scheduled screenings, they confirmed members took their drugs as prescribed.
  • Improvements to pain management: We worked with physicians to find alternative ways to manage pain, resulting in 17% fewer prescribed opioids last year than in 2018. And, in 2019, pharmacies dispensed 21% fewer opioid pills than in 2018.

Service that satisfies

New technology no longer requires members to wait on the phone for an available Customer Service representative or to schedule an appointment to return their call. With the automated system in place, Customer Service representatives successfully reached members nearly 90% of the time. And, of the people who called it, 97% of them preferred the new experience as opposed to scheduling a return call.

EXTENSIVE Network of Care Providers

Our members have access to quality, cost-effective care with a network of leading primary care physicians, specialists and hospitals in all 83 Michigan counties.
Photo credit: SDI Productions
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association