Our CEO, Daniel J. Loepp, Will Retire at the End of 2024

Blue Daily
| 2 min read

After more than 20 years providing leadership to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, our president and CEO, Dan Loepp, will retire at the end of next year – December 31, 2024. You can read more about his decision in this news release – along with comments from our Chairman of the Board, Gregory A. Sudderth. The Board’s Executive Committee will take on the responsibility of conducting a national search for a successor, starting in December 2023.
Dan Loepp has achieved many milestone accomplishments over his more than two decades of leadership. He led the effort to transform BCBSM into a nonprofit mutual insurance company – a modern corporate structure enabling us to diversify our products and services, better supporting our customers and members.
He also initiated most of BCBSM’s efforts over the past two decades to work with doctors and hospitals to improve the quality and efficiency of health care, improve patient outcomes, and lower costs. We call these initiatives Value Partnerships – because they reflect our approach of collaboration with providers of care.
Mr. Loepp also has been consistent in his view of the importance of Blue Cross’ historic nonprofit social mission and ensures our involvement in promoting better health for everyone in Michigan. And importantly, Mr. Loepp championed the strong inclusion and diversity foundation on which our company operates internally and externally. You can read more about our social mission commitments here.
These examples, and many others, are part of the legacy Mr. Loepp will endow to our next generation of leadership starting in 2025.
The company continues with normal business operations with Mr. Loepp as CEO through 2024.We expect no impact to our relationships with customers, members, providers or other stakeholders.