Insure the Whole You
| 3 min read

The 2016 open enrollment period has arrived, so as you’re renewing your coverage or shopping for new benefits, it’s important to make sure you’re thinking about all of your and your family’s needs. This means considering specialty benefits. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan offers a line of specialty products that, when added to a plan, can give you superior coverage and peace of mind. Dental: Did you know that your mouth can tell you a lot about your overall health? While occasional bleeding of the gums can be the result of brushing your teeth too vigorously or wearing dentures that don’t fit correctly, frequent episodes of gum bleeding can also indicate more serious conditions, such as:
- Periodontitis (an advanced form of gum disease)
- Leukemia (cancer of the blood)
- Vitamin deficiency
- Lack of clotting cells (platelets)
Dental health is an important part of taking care of your body. The open enrollment period from November 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016 is a good time to supplement your health coverage with dental coverage, especially if you have kids, because dental coverage is one of 10 of the essential health benefits. Dental health is a major factor in your overall health. Your bi-yearly visit can ensure your teeth and gums are clear of build-up and plaque that can lead to tooth decay, oral cancer, diabetes or vitamin deficiencies. Vision: You may not realize that Blue Cross can also support your extended health care needs with benefits beyond medical. We offer vision plans for all ages, giving you the opportunity to see any VSP eye doctor to evaluate your vision health. View the 2016 plan offerings here. Accident Insurance: If you’re injured, you might end up needing time off from work to recover. Unfortunately, that won’t stop bills from coming in. Personal accident insurance can help you deal with some of those unexpected costs. You choose your annual deductible and benefit amount, which determines how much it will cost. Hospital Recovery Insurance: Medical insurance helps cover costs when you’re in a hospital, but once you return home you might have additional expenses related to your recovery that you hadn't planned for. Hospital recovery insurance can help cover some of those costs. You choose what’s known as a daily benefit amount, which is the amount you’ll receive once you get home based on how many days you were in the hospital (up to 30 days). Travel Medical Insurance: Are you an avid traveler or do you have a child who plans to study abroad? You can enroll in GeoBlue travel medical insurance plan to stay covered no matter how far away from home you are. Plans can be trip-specific or long-term, for those who frequently travel internationally. For more information about the specialty benefits you can use to round out your coverage, click here or check out these other posts:
- Two Insurance Options to Know About: Short-term and Long-term Care
- Visiting the Eye Doctor Regularly, Even if You Have 20/20 Vision
- 7 (More!) Common Health Insurance Terms Explained
Photo credit: Harsha K R
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