Have you heard the news? Starting in January, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network members will have access to live, weekly well-being webinars and downloadable health resources, courtesy of a new first-of-its-kind Virtual Well-Being program. If you’re ready to make your well-being a bigger priority, you’re going to want to get to know Matt Wozny, virtual well-being coordinator at Blue Cross. He’ll be the face of the program, serving up high-energy talks that get to the heart of well-being pillars such as physical and mental health, financial and career well-being and social connectedness. “The webinars are going to be short and sweet, 15- to 20-minute videos packed with information to help you obtain and absorb the knowledge you need to make changes in your personal well-being journey or in your organization,” Wozny said. With an undergraduate degree in exercise science/kinesiology and a master’s degree in public health, Wozny wants to inspire change by providing simple, evidence-based advice people can easily put into practice and that’s been proven to work. “We hope people implement the advice we’re providing so they can make those changes,” he said. Weekly webinars will cover a wide range of topics, including mindfulness, resiliency, finding purpose in your career, financial wellness and more. There will be something for everyone, no matter their goals. “Well-being is definitely based on your perception,” Wozny said. “It’s not a one-size-fits-all type of approach.” Webinars will begin the second week of January 2019. Employer-focused webinars will be held at noon on Tuesdays and member-focused sessions will begin at noon on Thursdays throughout the year. If you can't watch live, you can visit bluecrossvirtualwellbeing.com for replays and for more information. If you found this post helpful, check these out: