Library card holders once again will be able to access hundreds of Michigan’s state parks, historic sites, cultural attractions, campgrounds and recreation areas with the second annual Michigan Activity Pass offered though MI Big Green Gym.
The program is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Michigan Recreation and Park Association (mParks) and the Library Network. The Michigan Activity Pass enables cardholders at 400 libraries across Michigan to print a pass either from home or their local library. The pass is valid for a one-time free entry into any Michigan state park or recreation area and more than 100 historical and cultural destinations. The pass must be used within one week. To obtain your pass, visit your local library or the Michigan Activity Passwebsite. Participants may print one pass per week. “Michigan is home to some tremendous state parks, and exploring these areas is a great way to get exercise while enjoying the outdoors,” said Suzanne Miller Allen, director of Community Responsibility at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. “Blue Cross is proud to support the Michigan Activity Pass in making these destinations an inexpensive way for Michigan residents to stay healthy and active this summer.” For more information on the Michigan Activity Pass, including a complete list of supported venues and participating libraries, visit michiganactivitypass.info.