BCBSM commitment to #MPC14 is an investment in the health of Michigan
David Lingholm
| 1 min read

Hundreds of businesspeople, reporters and politicians are gathering on Mackinac Island this week for the Detroit Regional Chamber’s Annual Mackinac Policy Conference. Formal discussions center on entrepreneurship, STEM education and the impact ideas emanating from the conference can have on metropolitan Detroit. As Andrew Hetzel, vice president of Corporate Communications discussed with WILS 1320’s Tony Conley Morning Show Wednesday, while the conference is focused on Detroit, the ideas shared at the conference can impact the entire state of Michigan. “We’re (BCBSM) the diamond sponsor because this conference has such an impact in helping to frame the public policy agenda, not just for southeast Michigan, but for the entire state of Michigan as it relates to some pretty important issues,” said Hetzel Wednesday morning. It is a sentiment he reiterated later in the morning on Michigan’s Big Show starring Michael Patrick Shiels. Hetzel also noted that sponsoring this conference is a part of the Michigan Blues ongoing commitment to Michigan, a commitment that started 75 years ago. “The mission of Blue Cross has always extended beyond health insurance into promoting the health of the state and its people. And we’re continuing to do that now as a non-profit mutual,” he noted.