2019 Blue Cross Walk at Lunch Day: Making an Impact on Workplace Health and Parkinson’s Disease
Ryan Miller
| 2 min read

Did you know that one of the easiest and safest ways to get and stay healthy is by simply starting a walking habit? Regularly strolling at a pace of three miles per hour can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. It can even strengthen your muscles, as well as provide a good mood boost.
BCBSM employees Lisa Lemay, Pharmacy Operations, and Nanette Miller, Pharmacy Operations, participating in this year's Walk at Lunch Day. On Wednesday, April 24, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan employees, executive staff, members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Active BLUE employee resource network participants across the state took an extra 30 minutes out of their day to take part in Blue Cross’ annual Walk at Lunch Day. For every employee who participated this year, Blue Cross donated $1 toward Parkinson’s disease research – leading to a donation of more than $2,200. “I think it’s wonderful the company sponsors this event for us each year,” said BCBSM employee Cynthia Masone, med review and appeals RN, MA inpatient precertification, Pharmacy Operations. “We spend a lot of time sitting and I’m starting to physically feel the effects. They say sitting is the new smoking. When you have people to walk with it makes it more fun. We don’t usually walk together, but I think this is the start of something good.” The event proved to be a success with the amount of sunshine and active participants in this year’s walk. “[Outside of the] beautiful weather, the benefit to Parkinson’s and our health are the reasons we are walking today,” said BCBSM employee Lisa Lemay, business systems analyst, Pharmacy Operations. “I think it’s great the company encourages us to walk each year. It really energizes people to get out who normally don’t.” Making Steps Toward Workplace Wellness Integrating health into the workplace is good for employees and good for business. A positive environment can help boost the workplace atmosphere and staff attitude, as well as help employees stay physically and mentally healthy. Want to make healthy changes to your workday? Start with small changes, like bringing your own lunch and packing healthy snacks and a water bottle. Plan time during your day to go for a quick walk with a coworker, get your steps in while listening in on a conference call or host walking meetings with colleagues. If you enjoyed this post, you might also like:
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Photo credit: MI Blues Perspectives