Low-Budget Ways for Small Businesses to Recognize Employees

Blue Daily
| 2 min read

Fifty percent of employees feel that increasing employee recognition would encourage them to stay with a company. With larger U.S organizations spending more than $100 billion annually on incentive programs, you might feel as a small business owner that you can't compete. However, there are several ways for smaller businesses to show appreciation to their hardworking employees without breaking the bank. Here are some ideas to boost morale among your staff. Gift Cards: No matter the value, gift cards are a great way to show appreciation to employees. Almost all restaurants, clothing and home goods stores offer gift cards at a variety of prices. Gift cards are great because it gives people the option to buy whatever they want. Movie Passes: Going to the movies is a great way to relax and decompress from work. Buy movie passes in bundles and gift them to employees to recognize exceptional work. Recognition at Staff Meetings: One of the most motivating rewards is public recognition. At your next meeting set aside some time to celebrate the hard work your employees have done. The recognition increases morale and will encourage other employees to strive for their own kudos. Birthday Surprises: Birthdays are always a fun opportunity to show an employee that they’re an important part of the company. There are so many creative and inexpensive things you can do to celebrate. Whether you go out and buy a personalized cake or put up decorations at an employee’s work station, surprises are always an exciting gesture. Wall of Fame: Create a dedicated wall with pictures or plaques of your employees celebrating their years of service or remarkable achievements with the company. Seeing this heartfelt gesture is meaningful and inspiring to future employees. Creating a positive work environment for employees is essential to a successful business, because when employees are happy, it’s reflected in the work they do. By implementing some of these easy recognition ideas, you can improve employee retention and show your staff you care about their well-being. If you liked this post, you might also be interested in:
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Photo credit: fizkes