Report: Michigan Experiences Higher-Quality Care Thanks to Value Partnerships

Angela Hernandez

| 1 min read

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan recently released its 2015 Value Partnerships annual report, which takes a look at the results and influence of Blue Cross' award-winning health care quality and cost-saving programs. Value Partnerships is a nationally recognized collection of nine programs aimed at improving health care quality and lowering health care costs. Blue Cross works with nearly 20,000 physicians and more than 120 hospitals in these programs. Highlights of the report include:
  • How Michigan residents experience safer, higher-quality care due to the successes of Value Partnerships programs
  • How Value Partnerships programs have saved $1.4 billion due to prevented complications and improved health outcomes
  • How improvements in quality, safety and health care outcomes have improved cancer screening rates, lowered rates of post-surgical infections and lowered rates of ER visits and hospital admissions
  • How the programs are being researched and replicated, serving as models for other states to implement
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Photo Credit: MI Blues Perspectives
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association