Help Employees See the Value of an HSA-Compatible Health Plan

Jake Newby

| 2 min read

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s (BCBSM) consumer-directed health care toolkit can help employees further understand how their HSAs work, and how they can get the most out of them. Toolkit resources include ready-to-use, HSA-specific resources designed to help educate and engage your employees.
With open enrollment around the corner, employers should do everything in their power to help their employees make informed decisions.
This includes providing them with resources needed to help them understand the benefits of selecting and maintaining an HSA-compatible health plan. And we have a variety of resources to help.

Brochures, flyers and more

View download or print a newsletter, brochures, and flyers to engage employees prior to and during open enrollment. You can also download email templates to send directly to your employees. Click here to view and download the entire consumer-directed health care toolkit.

On-demand webinars and videos

Some of the most intuitive resources available are BCBSM’s on-demand webinars and videos. Employers can pull these visual aids from the toolkit and make them available to employees, who can then view them from your company’s website, email, or mobile devices.
The following four webinars and videos are geared specifically toward educating your employees on the benefits of HSA-compatible health plans and HSAs in general:

Master Class Express Session: Strategies for HSA Engagement Success

View this short webinar to get more tips for increasing engagement in your HSA-compatible plan and ways to help your employees get the most out of their HSAs. Click here to view the webinar.
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MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association