A Conversation Around the ACA and Open Enrollment on the Healthier Michigan Radio Show
Lucy Ciaramitaro
| 2 min read

As the 2016 open enrollment season approaches, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan wants you to know what to expect. For starters, open enrollment for health coverage in 2017 will begin Nov. 1, 2016 and end Jan. 31, 2017. Keep these dates in mind to ensure you have coverage and avoid a penalty. Note: If you enroll by Dec. 15, your health coverage will start on Jan. 1, 2017. However, if you enroll after Dec. 15, your coverage won't start until Feb. 1 or later. October’s Healthier Michigan Radio Show is a conversation with experts sharing their interpretations and key insights around the Affordable Care Act and open enrollment. Throughout the segments, listeners can learn some of the need-to-know facts and answers to commonly asked questions including:
- What have some of the main impacts of the Affordable Care Act been?
- What is causing premium costs to increase?
- What’s next for the Affordable Care Act?
- What changes should I expect for the 2016 open enrollment season?
- What is Blue Cross doing to help contain rising health care costs?
The show explores the topic from different perspectives, touching on the last four years of the ACA, what’s happening in the health insurance marketplace currently and how Blue Cross is working to lower health care costs for all Michiganders. The full list of guests for October’s Healthier Michigan Radio show includes:
- Kirk Roy, vice president of National Health Reform for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
- Rick Notter, director of Individual Business at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
- Tom Leyden, director of Value Partnerships at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Listen in below to hear the full show and don’t forget to tune in to WJR on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. to hear the show live. To learn more about health insurance options in the individual market, visit bcbsm.com/myblue or call 855-237-3501. Like the Healthier Michigan Radio Show? Be sure to check out our SoundCloud channel to listen in on previous airings of the show. You also might like these blog posts:
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network Remain Top Choice for Michigan Health Insurance Buyers During 2015 Marketplace Open Enrollment
- Physician Choice PPO: Getting The Most From Your Plan
- How to Talk to your Employer about Health Care Options
Photo Credit: A Healthier Michigan
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