Learning More About Diabetes on The Healthier Michigan Radio Show
Lucy Ciaramitaro
| 2 min read

The American Diabetes Association shares that 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. Being that November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, The Healthier Michigan Radio Show covered the bases of this chronic condition; from the causes and types to the warning signs and methods of prevention. It also shares the story of a woman who has watched her 16-year-old grandson grow up managing this disease. Throughout the segments, listeners can learn the facts and answers to some commonly asked questions including:
- What is diabetes?
- What differentiates the various types of diabetes?
- How do you prevent getting Type 2 diabetes?
- What are the signs of diabetes?
- What does managing diabetes look like?
The full list of guests for November’s Healthier Michigan Radio show includes:
- Grace Derocha, registered dietician, certified diabetes educator and health coach at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
- Patti Briggs, grandmother of a 16-year-old with Type 1 diabetes.
Listen in below to hear the full show and don’t forget to tune in to WJR on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. to hear the show live. Like the Healthier Michigan Radio Show? Be sure to check out our SoundCloud channel to listen in on previous airings of the show. You also might like these blog posts:
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Photo Credit: Oskar Annermarken via Flickr