Embrace the "Yooper" in You at the U.P. State Fair

Taylar Kobylas
| 2 min read

Many people hail from the mitten state, but few have visited every part of it. This August is the perfect opportunity to change that. The 86th Upper Peninsula State Fair will take place in Escanaba August 11-17, and it’s a week you don't want to miss. This August marks the fifth year of the fair’s independent operation from the state of Michigan and its first year as Michigan’s only State Fair. It is presented by the Upper Peninsula State Fair Authority and includes representation from all 15 counties in the U.P., as well as the Hannaville Indian Community. The Fair will feature a unique array of “Yooper” culture each day. Included in the weekend's programming are live performances, local food and drink, animal exhibits, farming demonstrations and family fun. Wednesday has been dubbed Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan day. Blues health experts will be on site providing:
- Cooking demonstrations
- Health Insurance 101 presentations
- Free health screenings
- Children’s activities
- A photo booth
- Smokey the bear birthday party/photo opp
A ticket raffle is to be held at the Blue Cross tent all day Wednesday. Winners of the raffle will receive front row seats to Easton Corbin’s live performance at the Fair, in addition to other surprise giveaways. Daily admission to the fair is $8 for adults, $5 for kids ages six to 12 and free for kids ages five and under. Ticket prices are cash only and discounted rates are available for opening night (Monday) and weekly passes. For more details visit the U.P. State Fair website. If you can’t make it up north but still want to be part of the fun, keep up with the A Healthier Michigan team as they road trip across the U.P. for an entire week. One day will be spent at the U.P. state fair to get in on all the action. The team’s adventures will be documented on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube and you can also follow them through AHM’s #HealthyMe hashtag. Photo credit: Mr.OutdoorGuy