CHRT Names New Board of Directors, Launches New Website


| 2 min read

For the past 10 years, The Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation (CHRT) has been working to improve access to high quality health care across Michigan. Each day, CHRT’s experts take research and evidence and transform them into actionable plans and policy that will improve the health of Michiganders. Eager to continue with this mission, CHRT has recently made two big changes: They welcomed a new board of directors, which includes representatives from health care, business and policy organizations, and launched a new and improved website ( The new board will do many things to enhance the organization, but one of the top priorities is to seek new partners so they can deepen community-based work and help other organizations make informed, data-driven decisions. At the same time, the new board of directors will continue to drive forward the existing initiatives that connect the medical care system, public health, mental health and social safety net providers. Over the past decade, CHRT has directly contributed to a body of research and analyses to help policy makers make health-care-related decisions, run demonstration projects to show how health and health care can be improved and helped researchers become more effective at creating and disseminating research. “We are thankful for the support and direction we have received from our two founding organizations, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and the University of Michigan,” says Marianne Udow-Phillips, director of CHRT. “At our 10-year mark, we remain committed to providing objective, non-partisan information. Our new board enables us to offer healthcare and health policy research and insight to more organizations and to increase the impact of our work.” If you want to learn more about the organization, check out their newly redesigned website here: For more blogs on the positive health care changes happening in Michigan, check out these blogs:
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association