Metro Detroit Students Invited to Experience the ‘Pulse of IT’

Kelly Hall

| 1 min read

Thanks to employee volunteers from five departments, Blue Cross will be hosting 20 high school students for the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program, known as DAPCEP, this fall.
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DAPCEP is a nonprofit organization with 38 years of experience partnering with universities, training programs, and K-12 school systems in order to connect youth to the best science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) educational experiences in Michigan. If you know a junior or senior in high school who wants exposure to a STEM-related field, here’s your chance to get them involved. The Blue Cross series is titled “Pulse of IT,” and will be located onsite at the Detroit Tower for five weeks beginning in early October. Blue Cross employees in Enterprise IT, Accounting, Sales and Marketing, Actuarial Services and Underwriting will facilitate classes with students every Saturday morning and introduce them to careers in IT as it interfaces with their business areas. “It is our collective responsibility to educate the youth of today in a manner that will be beneficial to them in their career and educational pursuits,” said Ron Wood, vice president, business performance. “The partnership between BCBSM and DAPCEP is a great opportunity for BCBSM employees to share their experiences and learnings with DAPCEP students." For more information, visit the DAPCEP website. Photo credit: Becky Stern
MI Blue Daily is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association