Blue Cross Goes Green for Earth Day and Every Day

Taylar Kobylas
| 3 min read

Earth day and every day, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan cares about preserving our planet through composting, conserving energy and reducing our use of precious resources. A primary way this is executed is the recycling of food scraps through local organizations like Detroit Dirt. BCBSM and other local companies work with Detroit Dirt to reduce waste and recycle organic leftovers via composting. "Blue Cross was one of the first five [organizations] to be involved with Detroit Dirt," said Detroit Dirt founder Pashon Murray. "A lot of large corporations take a long time to make descisions and Blue Cross believed in Detroit Dirt from the moment I talked to them... That meant a lot." Through its partnership with Detroit Dirt, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan collects food waste and scraps from its cafeterias and gives it to the composting company to process. The food and natural materials are broken down into soil, referred to as compost, and primed for wholesale distribution. Not only does this divert waste from landfills, but it also produces a supply of nutrient- rich black dirt that helps fertilize Michigan trees, flowers and crops. "Not only do they [BCBSM] believe in our [Detroit Dirt's] mission, but they know we're small and need all the help we can get to grow," added Murray. "Blue Cross has been helping us since the beginning."
BCBSM's solar energy farm In addition to its composting program, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is involved with several other sustainability initiatives:
- Solar energy system: BCBSM powers a portion of its Detroit campus with solar energy, a renewable energy that preserves clean air and protects natural resources. The solar farm is currently the largest rooftop solar energy system in the city of Detroit and produces the energy equivalent of about 40 homes each day.
- Green living roof: The roof of Blue Cross' parking garage is covered with a variety of sedum plants that help reduce storm water runoff, preserve open green space and decreases BCBSM'scarbon footprint.
- Rain water collection: The green roof has a water collection system that allows Blue Cross to recycle rain and irrigation water for its landscaping.
Blue Cross' parking garage is one of the first in the nation to receive national recognition for its eco-friendly design. Their emergence as an early adopter of sustainable living practices and supporter of small businesses has become apparent throughout the state. For more information on how BCBSM invests in Michigan communities, visit How do you live eco-friendly? Tell us in the comments below! Want to learn more about Detroit Dirt and sustainable lifestyles? You may also like these blogs:
- Can You Dig It? Detroit Dirt is leading the D's Composting Revolution
- BCBSM Goes "Green": A Closer Look at Downtown Detroit's Largest Solar Energy System
- Who says being eco-conscious only benefits the earth?
Photo credit:
- Detroit Dirt staff: Doug Coombe
- Solar energy Farm: Andy Hetzel