Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has a long history of honoring people across the state who are exceptional advocates for our state’s seniors. The Silver Key Coalition is a group of organizations committed to making Michigan a no-wait-state for senior in-home services. Together, we ask you to help us find and recognize these outstanding advocates. We are accepting nominations for awards given to two individuals and three organizations you feel should be recognized for their community service.
Nomination deadline: August 16, 2019
- The Silver Key Coalition Tess Canja Innovation Award is given to social service agencies that have implemented innovative approaches to improve social determinants of health for older adults. This award was named in honor of Tess Canja who has been a life-long advocate for older adults. The top three award winners are selected by a committee of statewide volunteers based on the creativity, cost effectiveness, replicability and quantified positive impact demonstrated by their innovative approach to service delivery. The first place award winner will receive a $2,000 donation. Two additional $500 donations will be given to the next two highest-scoring nominees. Nominate an organization here.
- The Claude D. Pepper Award is presented annually to two outstanding senior citizen advocates who demonstrate a strong concern for the special needs of the elderly. The award is named after the late U.S. congressman who campaigned for senior citizens’ rights. Two individuals are selected — a retiree volunteer over age 55 and another person of any age who’s employed in the senior advocacy field whose work or volunteer activities have a positive effect on the lives of older adults. Each award recipient will receive a $1,000 donation for the senior-advocacy nonprofit organization of his or her choice. Candidates for this award will have clearly demonstrated their dedication to Michigan’s seniors through work that benefits older adults, particularly those who don’t receive adequate health services due to mental, physical, financial or geographical limitations. Nominate someone here.
The deadline for nominations for both awards is August 16. A ceremony for the award winners will be held at the Michigan Area Agency on Aging Association (4AM) annual conference, which will be held in October 2019. Nominations can also be submitted by mailing a hard copy of the nomination form to BCBSM Service Award Nomination Community Responsibility, Mail Code 1225, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, 600 E. Lafayette Blvd., Detroit MI 48226-2998.

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Photo credit: Ron Levine