BCBSM Hosts Adoption Event for Michigan Humane Society

Olivia Wash
| 3 min read
Olivia is a writer who enjoys discussing anything re...

While the beginning of the work week can sometimes be dull, a recent Monday went better than expected for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan customer service representative, Randall Taylor. She ended up adopting a new kitten named Marshall, right at work.
BCBSM customer service representative Randall Taylor holds her new kitten at a recent adoption event for the Michigan Humane Society, which took place at BCBSM's Detroit campus. “I do have a dog at home but I’ve never had a cat before, so this will be my first experience. I’m happy that I was able to do this through the Michigan Humane Society and give Marshall a home,” Taylor said. Thousands of animals are brought into shelters every year and with such a large influx, it can be hard for every single one to find a forever home. Blue Cross Blue is determined to do its part to help more animals find a home of their own and as such, recently sponsored an on-site Michigan Humane Society adoption event that connected employees with puppies and kittens ready to be adopted. A financial contribution to the humane society helped cover pet adoption fees, so any employee who adopted a pet could do so free of charge. Within the first hour, almost all the puppies and kittens were adopted. By noon, volunteers from the humane society were notifying people that more animals were on their way, since the current pets had all found homes. Tricia Keith, executive vice president, chief of staff and corporate secretary at Blue Cross, kicked off a noon program by welcoming everyone and talking about her own experience with a rescue dog. She then introduced Michigan Humane Society President and CEO Matt Pepper. “There are more than 9,900 pets in the BCBSM family and that’s why we have events like these,” Pepper said. “Animals provide pet owners with benefits related to their health, especially emotional and physical ones.” He went on to thank everyone for allowing the humane society to share their mission and story with BCBSM. Cindy Pasky, Strategic Staffing Solutions president and CEO, and a major benefactor for MHS, spoke next on her passion for animals and proceeded to introduce Blue Cross President and CEO Daniel J. Loepp. “Thank you to Cindy, Tricia and Matt for everything you do,” Loepp began. “There are so many positive benefits to owning a pet.” Loepp continued by stating that lowered blood pressure, increased amounts of exercise, socialization and a potential barrier breaker are all ways pets can have an impact on their owners. The humane society is continuously working to bring awareness to their organization and their mission to help animals in need. For more information, visit their website. Check out other images from the adoption day: [gallery ids="22308,22309,22310,22311,22312,22315,22316,22317,22318,22319"] If you liked this post, you might also enjoy:
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Photo credit: A Healthier Michigan